
Let's get started

We’d love to work with you to plan out the learning and training curriculum to help your learners, well, learn!


Why do we need a curriculum?

  • Architects have blueprints
  • Bakers have recipes
  • Educators have curriculums

A curriculum helps outline the learning objectives of the course. We can then focus on planning the various learning activities that a participant can be involved in during the course.

The curriculum also acts as a yard stick for us to measure the effectives of the teaching and learning process, thereby allowing us to revise and improve the curriculum for future learning programmes.

How do we design a learning curriculum?


Understand the Intention

We articulate the purpose of the learning intervention, its driving factors and the expected outcomes from the learners.

Plan the Implementation

We outline the role of specific learning activities and harness technology platforms to meet the intended learning objectives.

Record Learning Experiences

We hope to evaluate the learner's experience and engagement with the learning materials, to help direct further programmes.

Account for 'Hidden' Learning

We try to explore and understand the differences between the intended curriculum and the reality of the learner's experience.

A curriculum evolves

Learner Experience

The learners of the programme direct the design of the curriculum and so constant feedback and the review of learning experiences help us revise and improve the existing curriculum.

Access to Technology

As the access to various technologies grow, the learning activities can also adapt to these new platforms to help the learners make the best use of the available opportunities.

Learner centric

The best curriculums are those that are designed for the learners by the learners.


Co-create the curriculum with your learners

A guaranteed way of making a curriculum effective is to involve the learners in its creation. Getting their perspective on the learning objectives and the intended learning activities helps create a curriculum that can not only be successful but also learner-centric.

MicroGenesis Learning

Give us a try.

We'd love the opportunity to work with you and help in creating a curriculum that is effective and learner centric.

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